Friday, December 19, 2008

boys in blue

My baby is already a month old ...
I feel like if you took all the time i've slept in the last month it would collectively add up to may be 1 week. 
It's a good thing he is a cutie and all i want to do is sit and hold him!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sleepy peeps

Getting this kid to fall asleep at night is not easy. I have now been blessed with 2 night owls 
Yes this is how she fell asleep!
Do you like Emma's bed??? 
When we moved Meg got put in her bed and i'm not sure if she didn't want to share with Meg or she just wanted to have a slumber party everynight with Rex but she now sleeps on the crib matress on a coffee table we have no place to put!
Rex refuses to sleep on his bed the right way it is either with his head at the wrong end of the bed or sideways.
Thank heavens we got rid of the B. 

And poor Nate the guy just needs a night with eight hours and no kids waking him up. Finals are done today I am so excited no more staying at school till 11:00 at night and leaving in the morning. i get to spend some time with my Hot Man.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I got my Christmas present early and had to do a photo shoot of my boys!
I know it's hard not to eat them they are simply edible...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Big Sis

It is so nice to have older children to help take care of the baby. Emma is so good with him and is totally into holding him. I wouldn't let the kids walk with him the first week and Emma was so proud when she got to.
Sorry it's sideways

Tom Boy Princess

Yes these look a bit mysterious 
but they are our current collections of mud-balls thanks to Lulu

Yes all she will wear are her summer sun dresses which she calls Princess dresses
Then she goes and does her favorite activity, make mud balls & pic flowers and leafs

On Thanksgiving Day the mud balls even made their way into her play kitchen!