We had an awesome weekend.
Emma was baptized.
We took these pictures of her in her white dress back in April.
She looks so beautiful and you can just see the light that shines in her.
I have been so impressed with her understanding of the commitment she is making.
Thank heaven for awesome primary teachers!!!
The Royal Princess!!!

The Rat Pack these 4 have traveled together this summer, player together, hiked together, gone on adventures together, tortured each other, learned from each other. And if there is anyone they would love to see more when they open a door it is one of these cousins. We are so glad they made it to Emma's baptism. Thanks Aaron and Terra for making the trip happen i know it wasn't easy.
The Zobrist cousins..... are we ready for three more!!!!
Grandma's! and they are GRAND

Her royal priesthood!!!

Thanks Jamie for playing the piano.
Can you see the anxiety on her face!

She has been anxiously awaiting her scriptures ( if you couldn't tell!) and she was so proud to have them at church. I hope that love never dies. Thanks Sonny and Rhonda for the new scriptures.

Thanks Grannybird for the extra spending cash!!!