Meg is my little dare devil if you look close her feet are off the ground and she is rocking the pumpkin back and forth while mastering her balance skills. She thinks she is so trickie. It is really stressful to watch and wait for her to fall and break her head!
So this morning before conference started i look over at Rex and his ear is swollen. We have no idea why. If you have see the movie Hitch it looks just like that just one ear it is kind of crazy. These pics don't do it justice but you can imagine! GOOD EAR! BAD EAR!
So as a mom i have to admit i love bed time! I also love the bed time routine. Rex has very specific ways he likes his blanket position Oddly enough they do change, This is the latest! I guess in tribute to Halloween!
Of all my kids Meg is the most uninterested in toys. ( She does love her doll stroller ) She makes the most of household items. She Loves to practice her gymnastic dismounts off the ottomen over and over ( she can't jump so they are really just falling with style!)